Student / Parent Resources » Armed Forces Recruitment

Armed Forces Recruitment

Armed Forces Access to Secondary Students Information

Pursuant to federal law, all local educational agencies (LEAs) must provide to military recruiters or institutions of higher education, upon request, access to secondary school students” (i.e. juniors and seniors) names, addresses and telephone listings. The state military affairs law requires the release of directory information consisting of a list of senior male and female students by name, home address and telephone number. Act 10 requires the list of graduating seniors and juniors be made available to armed forces recruiters at the beginning of each school year. However, military recruiters are entitled to request and receive this information throughout the year.


To ensure compliance with the collective laws, school districts are required to provide names, addresses and telephone listings of junior and senior year students to military recruiters, when requested, unless a parent has “opted out” of providing such information.


Parents wishing to opt out of providing such information regarding their 12th or 11th grade student’s information should do so in writing to the Guidance Office at Penn-Trafford High School by Sept. 1 of each new school year using the following link.  This link is also emailed to all families in August of every school year.  Military Opt Out Form (Opens in August of 2022)