Penn-Trafford High School Class Surpasses $117,000 in Donations

“Introduction to Administration and Management” might sound like a typical high-school business class, but Penn-Trafford teacher Ms. Kim Stefkovich challenges her students in ways beyond routine homework assignments and traditional tests.  

Stefkovich instills real-world experiences into her classroom with an annual T-Shirt project.  The semester-long project requires two classes of students to select a project manager and then work as a team in the creation of a logo, T-shirt design, marketing plan, and video commercial.  Classes are also tasked with selling their apparel line, and then 100% of the profits are donated to charity.

To date, the classes have donated to many different charities, including Make-A-Wish, the American Cancer Society, Susan G. Komen, ALS, Beverly’s Birthdays, and the Travis Mills Foundation.

This year, students raised $11,500 for The Heyward House, both through sponsorships and the sale of 1,063 apparel items. “From the start, the students were very committed to raising as much money as possible,” commented Stefkovich.  “Our printer, Big Frog (Greensburg), also had a huge impact on the project’s success by providing online stores and the ability to ship orders.”
The 5th-period class designed and sold a ‘412’ shirt
The 5th-period class designed and sold a ‘412’ shirt
The 6th-period class featured the Pittsburgh skyline on their shirt
The 6th-period class featured the Pittsburgh skyline on their shirt